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Proyecto Cerro Rabon | Speleo Projects

Proyecto Cerro Rabon

Expedition Report
1990 – 1994, Oaxaca, Mexico 1996
Report of the speleological expeditions with cave maps and descriptions including contributions on: Expedition history, forest ecology, ethnography, geography, geology, hydrogeology, karstification, spe-leogenesis, and archaeology. The massif of Cerro Rabón is situated in south central Mexico (state of Oaxaca) at the eastern margin of the mountain chain of the Sierra Madre Oriental; local-ly called the Sierra Mazateca. This intense-ly karstified limestone plateau towers over 2000 meters above the tropical low-lands of the Gulf of Mexico..
Systematic exploration of the plateau began in 1985 by a group of American and Swiss cavers. Beginning in 1987, international expedi-tions have been organized every other year to this date. Yearly investigations into the plateau have grown in scientific dimension as well as physical area.

Publishing company: Speleo Projects
ISBN: 3-908495-02-4 (hardcover)
ISBN: 3-908495-03-4 (softcover)
Language(s): Mixed in English, German, French, partially Spanish
Year of publication: 1996
Number of pages: 192
Contents: Above 200 b/w illustrations, maps and sketches
Format: 21 x 29.7 cm (softcover) / 21,5 x 30 cm (hardcover)
Binding: Softcover or hardcover

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