Looking for Lola
shop DescriptionDetails Looking for Lola By Corinne Kolly, illustrated by Sylvie Nussbaumer On a mountain meadow high up in the alps, Jack the shepherd has lost his favorite goat, Lola. Ready to help, two cavers adventure into a nearby cave in hopes of rescuing her....
Beneath the Cloud Forests
shop DescriptionDetailsBook review Beneath the Cloud Forests A History of Cave Exploration in Papua New Guinea By Howard M. Beck Award Winner at the 14th International Congress of Speleology! Introducing Howard Beck’s historical account of adventure and exploration in...
shop DescriptionDetails Lechuguilla – Die schönste Höhle der Welt Lechuguilla – La Plus Belle Caverne Du Monde Lechuguilla – Jewel of the underground Edited by Urs Widmer Beneath the mountains of southeastern New Mexico, not far from the famous...